SHINI PLASTICS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.  <a href='' target='_blank'>粤ICP备16031120号-1</a> Language
Triumph for Shini Appealed Intellectual Property Cases
Directing at the infringe upon Shini product patent and the counterfeit of Shini product, Shini group have been taking such counterattacks toward two Zhongshan factories as submitting application of retrieving to Industrial and Commercial Bureau, requesting famous websites to suspend data release about infringing products and appealing to court for economic losses.
Currently, the verdict of three Intellectual Property Infringe cases appealed by Shini have been successfully executed, which exerts a significant influence on building Shini brand strategy. On one hand, the violated infringe behaviors receive legal sanctions so that Shini corporate image can be protected and interests of consumers safeguarded. On the other hand, Shini is gradually reinforcing the brand protection at the same of ensuring product quality and product advertising. In near future, Shini is expected to be the most reliable and valuable brand of domestic plastics auxiliary equipments manufacturing industry.