SHINI PLASTICS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.  <a href='' target='_blank'>粤ICP备16031120号-1</a> Language
Brand Construction---the Key Focus of Shini Group in 2012
Annual meeting of Shini Group was held on Dec 14th, 2012 in Qingdao, the city of beer of the world in Shandong Province. This session, 53 executives from the management layer of Shini CTC, Dongguan branch, Pinghu branch and Taipei headquarter, as well as distributors presented at the meeting.

I Fu, Wu, president of Shini Group, gave the opening address in which he thanked all the efforts and hard works that Shini people had taken and wished the meeting a complete success.

In the address of the president, in 2012, the policymakers of Shini had made the right decision and led the enterprise to the right direction of struggle. The group had continuously focused on the construction of brand and corporate culture as well invested more on the production scale to improve both the soft and hard power. In the coming year, Shini Group brought forward its new strategetic targets and concentrated on the construction of brand image. By improving the internal system, Shini would face the challenges and make Shini a brand on a much higher level.

Mr. I fu, Wu believed that in the future year of new hope, with the mutual strive of Shini people, Shini would make its leap forward and won more glories.

Corporate general manager Mr. Kenny Wu gave a speech in which he summed up the work of the whole year of 2012. He said that in the soon past year of 2012, Shini had achieved almost all its goals which were made at the end of the last year, especially in such a down time. It could not be done without the joint efforts of all the Shini people.

In his report, Mr. Kenny Wu indicated that as the leader of plastics auxiliary equipment industry, Shini should not only had strict requirements on its management strategy, but also establish its own corporate culture and brand value. In the remodeling of Shini brand in 2012, “Simple Solution” was determined as new brand idea which would be the essence of improvement of product technology, service and communications. New elements of brand image would also be pushed forward in succession.

The general manager Mr. Kenny Wu also said that for years Shini had strived to crackdown counterfeit manufacturers and fight against infringe acts. He wished Shini distributors work together to protect Shini brand.

During this session, the distributors had analyzed the market condition of 2012 and fully considering the current unstable economic environment, they set much higher goals for 2013.