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2023 Quarter 1 Issue 49

2023 Quarter 1 Issue 49 Message from the Chief Editor
The “integrated drive and control” is originally the synonym of 6-axis robot control system, and now it has become a hot topic of linear robot control. Since the integrated drive and control technology is not developed exclusively for the robot industry, whether it is a revolutionary innovation in the field of industrial linear robots and whether it can bring more convenience and high c/p ratio to domestic industries has become the focus of concern.
Based on the pulse-type card control system, the performance of the integrated drive and control has been improved in all aspects. It features small size, strong anti-interference, simple operation, easy maintenance and high cost-effective advantages, which become the highlights of the system. The multi-axis integrated control system can save the installation space and reduce the size of control box by 80%, compare to traditional technology. Besides, its internal bus communication, servo parameters and other settings can all be done by using the hand controller, and the modular card splicing structure makes the operation simple and performance improved. It is for seeable that the integrated drive and control system will lead the new trend of the linear robot industry in near future.
Based on the pulse-type card control system, the performance of the integrated drive and control has been improved in all aspects. It features small size, strong anti-interference, simple operation, easy maintenance and high cost-effective advantages, which become the highlights of the system. The multi-axis integrated control system can save the installation space and reduce the size of control box by 80%, compare to traditional technology. Besides, its internal bus communication, servo parameters and other settings can all be done by using the hand controller, and the modular card splicing structure makes the operation simple and performance improved. It is for seeable that the integrated drive and control system will lead the new trend of the linear robot industry in near future.