SAL-G ناقل قادوس تفريغ منفصل "قياسي" -
الكاتالوج الاليكتروني
SAL-Gسلسلة ناقل قادوس تفريغ منفصل "قياسي" هي مناسبة هي واحدةSAL-700G/800G/800G2 نقل المواد عبر المسافات الطويلة. هي للجمع واحد لاثنين. كل SAL-900G/900G2 لمجموعة واحدة، بينما يعتمد طراز قادوس فولاذي مقاوم للصدأ لضمان عدم التلوث للموادالخام. كفاءة عالية للضغط العالي منفاخ يتميز بوزن خفيف،دائم، قوة شفط كبيرة، سهلة التركيب والتشغيل.
Stainless hopper receiver ensures no contamination.
Microprocessor controlled for ease of use and has multiple alarm indicators.
Motor overload protector ensures long motor lifespan.
Audible material shortage alarm.
Filter designed for easy cleaning and has filter status checking window for easier monitor of filter condition.
Both vacuum hopper (SMH type) and photosensor hopper (SVH type) can be directly mounted on moulding machine's feed port. The above mentioned loaders adopt stainless steel mesh as standard.
It is available to select SCH-6 storage bin and SMH-6L/12L vacuum hopper, both of which can be directly mounted on injection moulding machine.
Proportional valve SPV-U (control cabinet is optional) is available as option, which is adopted to mix virgin and regrind material, as well as instantly recycle regrind material.
It is suggested opting for cyclone dust collector to reduce cleaning times of filter when regrind material occupies over 30% of total raw material.